Saturday, September 29, 2012

Everything is Green


I woke up today at 7:45 am. I knew I am going to be late reporting in the office. Yet, I still continue with my morning ritual which is going to the balcony, drink a cup of coffee and see the blue skies. After five minutes, I went to take a bath, combed my hair and hurriedly went off. My wife and daughter went with me downstairs until at the front of the building. There I went on to utter our morning family adieu and of course the usual kisses.
I hastily went on to find a taxi and luckily enough a taxi passed by and carried me off to work. It was Saturday and there was no traffic at all. While sitting at the backside of the car, I noticed the trees inside a big house near the creek.  Catching my attention is the simple but elegant Marriott Hotel in Deira.  It exudes uncomplicated features and it is strikingly stunning. On top of that, it has a bridge connecting the two buildings. It’s cool.

While travelling, I felt something different. My trip is continuous without interruptions of traffic and even stoplights. Yes, all of the stoplights that we passed by are all in green, hence a speedy commute to the office. I can’t help but smile on this fortunate event. Alas, the taxi driver noticed the smile and he asked me “Why are you smiling?” I replied back with the smile still intact saying, “Because everything is green”. 
“No, not everything is green. You see I am working here in Dubai but I am not happy. Everything is blue!” countered the taxi driver.

“I mean the stoplights, we travel straightforward without any stops except the last one”, I explained.
“No, everything is blue, life is not good.” Insisted the taxi driver.

“Ah ok, ok” my replied to him.  I paid my fares and walked briskly on my way to office.

As I pondered what had transpired as I walked through the pavements going to the office, the phrase “Everything is green” keeps on reverberating in my mind. The ripple effect it has was that I was able to recount the scenery we took during our mini vacation a couple of weeks ago. The colorful flowers, serene beach, and the lush trees were all coming back to memories. It was refreshing and uplifting to say the least and a good way to start my day.

As the day went on, everything is green keeps on sinking in my mind. It makes me focused on things that are beautiful and positive. Yes, it is good for me. For now, I might keep on refreshing the phrase and who knows it might affect the stocks I’m holding onto right now, keeping them green or turning them to green.   

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