Friday, July 15, 2011

Half Empty, Half Full Glass

BlackWhat can you see on the glass image on the right? Is it half full or half empty? Some people will say it's half empty while other people say it's full.

The glass is either half full or half empty. It is your choice that will make the description of the glass correctly. If you think it is half empty, then you are correct. But if you say it is half full, you are also correct.

What I am trying to point here is that an event or situation can be perceived as negative or positive. It really depends on how you look at it.

Recently, I bumped my good friend whom I admire so much because of his integrity and cheerfulness. He smiled a lot and little by little as the conversation took longer, his heart is about to confess one of the most uneventful part of his life. I listened while he is pouring his hearts out!

"Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

"My wife and I have been married for years now and still we don't have a child. My wife is really frustrated on our situation. So, what she did was, she went to the doctor and asked for a diagnosis. The doctor told us to do this and that in order to conceive a baby. I did my part as well by going to the doctor and be examined. For a couple of weeks,we are taking the medicine prescribed by our doctor. We followed every bit of advice she offered. On the day of we tested if my wife is pregnant, she was slightly positive. There is hope! And so we took care of it and the doctor advised us that on this date, we should take a test again in order to make sure that the baby was conceived. We waited for that day as though it was eternity. My wife is getting scared as the days passed by. Finally, the night we were waiting has arrived. The next day will either break or make our hearts. "

napali"We didn't have to wait for the judgement day because on that night itself, right before we were going to sleep, the inevitable happened. My wife went to the washroom and horror upon horrors, there is blood coming out! The situation is soul crushing!  We were devastated so much so that my wife kept on crying the whole night. I will tell you that our hearts our broken. Next day, the blood still came out. My wife went to the doctor to confirm what we had suspected, there is no more sign of a baby! Throughout this ordeal, I stayed with my wife, comforting her and listening to her and absorbing every pain she went through. I on the other hand is devastated as well, but with a twist. I knew that ordeal is a positive sign that after all these years, there is hope after all. It is just a matter of time but soon we will have a baby."

"For every tear that my wife shed, I am pulling one kilo of strength for my soul. Oh yes,it will come, it will come, it is just a matter of time."

In financial matters, the same rule applies. I have a friend who earns more than a hundred thousand pesos and yet he is buried in debts. His credit cards are fully utilized and the banks are running after him. He is stressful and always worried.

My other friend on the other hand earns 30,000 pesos only and yet he has more than enough for his savings. He always thanked God for the blessings he has been receiving. He is very generous and a loving father to his kids.

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