Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Inevitable Mistakes


As human beings we are very restless – we often become overwhelmed with joy, success or gratification. It is so very important to maintain your calm during such events, because excitement can lead to problems, of which one is over spending. That said, it is also quite important to realize that success may just ‘knock’ you back, in that you may become complacent and ‘decide’ not to do much, because you ‘have it all’.

This is a terrible phase that you could ever possibly get into, and one you must consciously be aware of at all times. However, the one thing that you must beware of is the ego complex – do not let your ego become an impediment in your endeavor to attain wealth.

The best medicine to avoid ego is to conserve energy. The energy that has been generated and conserved, unless it is directed into the right channels, it will be catastrophic.

We must control our urges, and this is where the art of practicing balance in life becomes an essential tool to your success. Idle talk is one single factor that can destroy your desire to succeed.

Remember, that people around you and the company you have will determine your future success – you may waste precious time, but those around you will make it even worse, they will contribute to overall wastage of your own time.
Thus as the saying goes, ‘like attracts like’ should be the maxim, and above all use your common sense all the time, and only do that which produces positive results.

Being systematic too will help avoid confusion and annoyances, which can both, have an adverse effect in your business venture and goals. Do not take on board work that may set you back.

Try to evaluate the situation, paying much importance on priorities – do not procrastinate, do not waste time and most of all do not waste your precious energy. If you act thoughtfully then time will be managed most efficiently.

If words, deeds, thoughts and actions are good then life will be good, and each moment will bring success and ‘time’ taken to achieve the coveted goal will be…well your guess is as good as mine.

“Mind is the cause for bondage and freedom.” 

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