Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Power of Unconditional Love


It seems to me that people have forgotten the real value, meaning and definition of the word love.

You may exclaim and say what has love got to do with wealth! It is naturally difficult to define true love, let me explain, say you want to learn how to swim, you read blog about the art of becoming a good swimmer, but until you do not jump into the swimming pool under guidance, the true meaning of swimming does not have any real value or meaning.

You will have to taste the fruit to know its real flavor, as the saying goes.

Selfish love rooted in desires that are in no way harmonious is the most damaging, and if you become ‘immersed’ in acquiring your goals via deception, calumny and against all the noble and ethical principles than you might as well put this blog away.

Those who understand love live in harmony and it is natural that these individuals will attract what they have willed to achieve.

The greatest power of attraction in every sense of the word be it a relationship, business and friendship is love.

As a budding entrepreneur, remember that the attractive power of love is incredible – you must practice compassion, and watch yourself grow and watch your venture thrive.
Upon achieving any form of success in life it becomes pertinent that no matter what happens, you do not force your success on anybody – avoid egoism, pride and do not impose your power on anyone – it is wrong to do so.

It is crucial that by getting wealthy, you do not abuse your newly acquired ‘power’. When power is used appropriately know that you have achieved glory. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Do Not Take Life Seriously


This blog is written with the view to allow you to discern the innate latent powers that lie dormant within each and everyone of us.

Opportunity seekers cannot really afford to ‘chose and pick’, but rather they should learn to capitalize on every bit of chance that is afforded to them.

As a seeker avail yourself to opportunities that have the potential to become indispensable gateway to success – it is all about taking calculated, controlled, measured and an informed risk.
Wealthy individuals have created their own career because they are true believers of success.

These are individuals who cannot stop until they achieve success. They become rebellious fighters only to earn their unflinching goal – they are disciplined warriors wielding their weapons of truth, honesty, sincerity, compassion, determination, power, principles, righteousness, wisdom, faith, self-belief, creativity, fortitude and prowess to reach heights par excellence.
Life functions strictly according to the natures incorrigible laws. The reason for this is to establish efficiency, and within the ambit of law, the rational intellect in man can be developed to a greater efficiency.

You are wealthy already, however due to the lack of understanding your powerful innate qualities, these attributes lying in abundance have not found the dynamism to express and manifest.

Finally do not take life too seriously. Life is a journey made possible for us all, and if we are willing to give ourselves the opportunity to grow, then life can be so wonderful an experience. It is most entertaining, especially when one follows its governing principles religiously.

Be happy at all times, when difficulties arise, laugh at them, and employ the dynamic willpower within you to fight them off. As mentioned elsewhere, the body and especially the mind is truly an amazing instrument we have.

State of complete tranquility is possible and there is mounting proof to establish the greatness achieved by common people throughout history – it is time that you employ the powers of your mind to achieve your desire(s). 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Law of Prosperity


There is no harm to desire success and all the other good things in life, but rest assured, desire which leads to the nagging feeling of lack or incompleteness can be dangerous.
If for any reason desire leads to sleepless nights and frustration - it is time to STOP whatever is it that you are doing.

Contentment is the true single factor of affirming your abundance. A selfish desire leads to utter failure!

Spiritual law is very powerful indeed.

That said, you must endeavor to follow the following principles daily in your life. Always be good to all around you, do not be treacherous and deceitful. Beware of the ego and be true and sincere.

Thoughtfulness is incredibly important, so always remind yourself of people who may not be so lucky, and extend your helping hand as much as you possibly can to those who deserve it.
Training your mind to accomplish great heights is not a difficult task. In your spare time, do not waste your energy; instead spend time contemplating on the power of your innate being.
Meditate daily and visualize your success and your goals. My friends, the power of the mind is simply awesome, the fact is that we do not even use 10 percent of it in our daily lives – now based on this scientific understanding just imagine what you could achieve if you were to use the remaining 90 percent?

Just as you savor food when you chew it and taste it – perform each and every act with a sense of gratitude and do it willingly and most importantly happily.
Do NOT follow every little impulse blindly, learn to reflect and distinguish between what is temporary and fleeting and what is lasting, what is essential and what is non essential, between what is pleasing and what is unworthy.

Self-conquest will give us that which we are seeking. It has to be stressed that balance is also an essential ingredient in your quest for success and wealth. You must allocate time for yourself and your family or the loved one’s. A permanent happiness must be independent of a changing environment.

Do not become a workaholic or a ‘wealthpreneur’ freak in your quest to success, lest it damages your relationship, much less your attempts to sincerely succeed in life.

Do not deviate from the path of righteousness or the Law of Nature. It is great fun indeed to witness success and wealth, and the joy that wells up is beyond belief no doubt. However, if happiness, joy and success all come at once at the expense of your health, then I am afraid it is all a terrible waste.

The way to being wealthy, is by the employment of the following virtues which is our real true nature, and it is to be found not just in human beings but everything around you: Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non violence. Ask yourself, that if all fellow human beings apply these attributes consistently – the world and its inhabitants would prosper.

We must approach all our work (including problems) or duties with concentrated energy and thus execute it with absolute perfection. Endeavor to do all the things (little or however small a duty or job this may be) in an extraordinary way. Perform all your work and duty with LOVE and enthusiasm, and watch the results. Never attempt anything half heatedly; you will not progress in life. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Paving Your Path to Success


I wrote this blog with only one intention in mind and that is to help you understand and ultimately help you realize the Power of the Mind.

What you will shortly find out is a series of steps that you have to follow very strictly to ascertain your deep-seated desire. These steps are not monumental tasks, but simple guidelines to get you started.

1. Believe in yourself, and the power of affirmations. Successful people become successful through constant use of their willpower. Do not be frightened of mishaps in the initial stages. Transform failures into success through wisdom, strength and faith.

2. Believe in the philosophy of ‘simple living and high thinking’.

3. Do not hold anything against anyone. Strive to overcome your past grievances and move on. Try to forgive everybody ‘hurt never help ever’.

4. Honesty is the golden rule. Observe silence, meditate and remove all negative tendencies from your system (i.e. jealousy, ego, hatred, fear and so on). Stick to the following principles, love, truth, righteousness, peace and non-violence (you must not even injure anyone through your speech, actions and thoughts).

With absolute determination, it is relevant that to acquire success you associate with people who have already attained it.

To appreciate the purpose of this blog, it becomes vitally important to scrutinize the following points. It will make more sense to you now why success or failure depends on how you define yourself:

IMAGE: The better you feel about your self-image the more likely you will succeed. Image does not necessarily mean looks; it also has a deeper meaning and connotes reflection.
The image that you may have about yourself is more likely to stem from what you ‘think’ about yourself. The internal environment that I have discussed earlier can play a crucial role in determining your final goal.

EMOTIONS: It is obvious that our thoughts and feelings, which are subtle, have tremendous influence in our lives. The best way to counteract these subtle forces is to exercise silence during meditation and relaxation exercises.
It is advisable to take up a form of exercise to keep your mind positively active. Of course the second benefit is health. Healthy body serves as a perfect ‘vehicle’ to do well.
Every individual seeks happiness in life. Now the very happiness we seek becomes a joy once found. This joy can surmount to ‘bliss’ simply by incorporating.

LOVE. You must share love in what you do and you must love what you accomplish daily in your life. In the silence of the night, introspect and learn how to improve your life (in words, deeds, thoughts and actions) and thank the supreme universal energy.
Together with what has been said above, good communication skills, interaction and good relationship is the way ahead – this is ultimately the essence of fine virtues and character that will make you successful.
Develop a harmonious personality, and remember what was mentioned at the start, always use loving words – words can bring peace or start a world war.

Conditioning your mind effectively will allow you to reap the rewards. It is very good practice to scrutinize your daily thoughts just prior to bedtime, and log this in your progress blog.
Set goals and targets daily and work at it until you achieve them.

Time is the most precious asset in life, use it wisely – time wasted is life wasted. When you decide to achieve success in your life, make sure you do not have conflicting thoughts. If you learn how to consciously control and thus implement the inexhaustible powers within you, you can accomplish much more.

Language is nothing but the expression of thoughts and experiences. Communication plays a vital role in your overall success, much less your day-to-day living. Through the power of knowledge, you can achieve specific goals, because the secret of our strength is in our knowledge. When you have an idea that is workable it is necessary to focus on it hundred percent.

Do not tell the world about it – there is no need for such ‘show’. Ponder over it and develop it into a ‘product’ that has a sound base. Without a firm foundation an edifice has no chance to stand. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Final Goal


Most people as I am sure you will agree do everything half-heartedly, and the reasons(s) for this have all been covered.

They do not use their full potential, mainly because they have not understood the power of the mind.

Often we are drawn or compelled to do things that bring sorrow. Temporary pleasures bring sorrow, and consequently majority of us through fear or perhaps even lack of confidence are ‘forced’ to throw in the white towel.

This need not be the case, because this blog gives you the ability to overcome these hurdles, by delivering words so potent that you can change your circumstances. It is high time that you watch the graphs of your mind very carefully.

Upon introspection it is now time to weed out the dirt and through the use of the power of discrimination distinguish that which gives you lasting happiness as opposed to sorrow.

The bottom line is you have to exercise control over your thoughts.

The following is included to guide you to your journey to wealth, health and happiness.

• Avoid dwelling on all the wrongs things you have done.

• Repeating wrong actions over and over become habits. Simply take care not to repeat those actions again.

• Do not think of yourself as a failure. Use failures as a means to acquiring
success – do not give up until you reach your desired goal.

• You will have to erase the grooves of bad habits that you have created by creating good habits.

If you are lazy decide to become positively active and assertive – set yourself tasks or goals and make sure you achieve them.

The fact that we resist change shows that we have our own ‘comfort zones’ and this is a result of our thoughts. Why is it that we resist change – the simple answer to this question is fear of change.

A change means that we have to let go of that which we ‘feel’ is ‘right’ for us.
The question then remains to be asked is what is right for you? This is a difficult one, and the answer is that until we are not fully content within ourselves then even a millionaire who desires an extra million is a beggar. How many of us are content?

We seek instant results, and when we do not ‘see’ results we become despondent and subsequently give up. It is my belief that when you desire a thing for the right reasons then nothing will ever stop you from acquiring it – this is the eternal law. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Understanding Failure


‘Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has.’

This is a fact because both the believer and the non-believer are quite likely to resort to this statement in support of their respective arguments.

You have already been acquainted to life’s dualistic nature, and as such human reason will find both ‘pros’ and cons’ for both good and bad action respectively.

This is when you have to learn to be guided by the inner voice of ‘conscience’. The following arise from this innate powerhouse, intuition, truth, peace, righteousness, love, nonviolence (in words, deeds, actions and thoughts) and power of discrimination. These attributes have their existence in the soul.

This is the greatest truth that you cannot afford not to know. Effort is proportional to grace, but I wish to add that success is proportional to effort only when you have learned to appreciate the qualities of love.

Whatever you do put in all your effort and do whatever you do with absolute love.
Those who are willing to take risks achieve success. It is a known fact, that young people are more adaptable to changes. As we age it becomes a little tricky and tougher to bring about changes and the ability to adapt to wide ranging comfort zones. Before it becomes too late, weed out the problem early on – do not allow it gnaw into your system. Like a virus take action and remove it from your system at once.

The fact is that we are born perfect (I do not mean this in a physical sense of the word), but the rigors of time ‘adulterates’ this perfection, and therefore the infinite possibilities that lie lurking within us become diffused. However, what makes us superior is that there is but one great and covetable gift which is ours all the time, and this is our extraordinary power to discover, develop and declare that we as human beings have the capacity to reach great if not greater heights – lying within us is the infinite source of energy that is distinctly ours!

“We are helpless victims of our own desires and wants.” 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Need for Change


 We are all too aware that nothing ever remains permanent in life, despite understanding one fact that life itself is a continuum, what we have failed to realize is that our own attitudes, conditioning and propensities stops us from incorporating changes.

One of the most difficult things to change is our nature (the indelible thoughts), particularly those that have left a mark (blueprint) on our psyche.
We may be able to change a lot of things around us but the need to change our thoughts, attitudes and habits which almost certainly have become a part of our self identity becomes arduously difficult a task.

As with all things in life time can heal anything and everything – allow time to help you grow in life and without wasting time reach your individual goals.

How do we change our mental attitude? The answer is very easy – once again there is no secret as such, nor is this arduous a task to implement. The primary answer lies in the word change itself. Initiating gradual changes in your lifestyle will help you reach your goal much faster. I say that the answer is easy with respect to how we can bring about positive changes, because let us consider habits for instance.

Habits take time to take root, as we are all too aware. Just as you ‘learn’ your habits with time you simply begin to unlearn them. Habits are very difficult to eradicate at once, and thus you allow time to take care of your habits. What has this got to do with being happy and rich, I ‘hear’ you ask?

Well, my friends I would like to throw back the very same question to you! Ask yourself why you have not been able to progress?

Put into practice what you have gathered thus far. Sit in a quiet corner and open your heart out, and solve this problem – the answer to all you problems good or bad lie within you. The exactness of the problem will no doubt vary, but the reason(s) for it are self-explanatory.
They stem from experiences, environment and your thought patterns. Why is it that person Y is able to quit smoking and yet person Z has much difficulties to quit the habit, though both have been smoking for ten years, and both smoke twenty cigarettes a day? The answer lies in what I have already discussed above, and it is our THOUGHTS.

The one thing that you will have to change in your life is your current perception of who you are, what others think of you and finally who you really are?

While you can change your thoughts, your environment and your business strategies, what you will have to realize is that you will not be able to change the very Law of Nature – it is perfect. Thus, we must respect this and begin to adhere to its governing dynamics, without violating it.

How can nature affect our success?

This is a valid question, but upon deep analysis you will understand that we as human beings are constantly breaking the rules, laws and life’s eternal processes daily.

Without digressing from the subject matter too much, carefully watch and notice how the beautiful rhythm of nature is fulfilling its duty daily without any discordance, and interruption. Likewise we have a lot to learn from Nature. Deviation from truth leads to utter dismay and failure, and breaking the Laws of Nature will bring despair – in short the macrocosm and the microcosm are indifferent.
The decisions that you make in your life will determine the outcome of your future events. Always think first of what you are about to do or intend doing, and by undertaking this act how will it then affect you.

Do not act on impulse, but rather remain calm, quiet and try to maintain deep silence as much as you can. It is simply amazing what you can achieve through silence and introspection.
I do suggest that you undertake a form of relaxation exercise, such as meditation or even yoga to help you achieve peace and success. Good judgment is a perfect indicator of wisdom through the expression of the power of intellect via the discriminative faculty.

If you have clearly recognized your folly, then you must admit mistakes and bad habits. If it annoys others or affects your health, conscience, financial status, family, well-being and your peace of mind, then you must ask, ‘How much better off would I be without it?’ If you do not benefit from this – why even take it up or think about it? 

My Only Tip in Stock Market Investing

The only tip I can give for investors is to buy when the prices are low and sell when it is high. In other words, be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful!

That fundamental is very simple and yet most of the  investors failed to act on it (including me). When there is a crisis like what happened in the financial crisis way back in 2008, most of the stocks are down. It's like going to Divisoria and buy branded clothes at the price of the ukay ukay clothes (cheap clothes). And yet most of the time when the prices are low we keep ourselves at the sidelines waiting for it to go up or stabilize.  By the time we buy, it is already high and by the time e knew it, the stock market is going down already. It's silly to be on that kind of situation and that is what happened to most of us. At the end of the day, we lose money and defeat the purpose of investing. I've been there.

If your plan is to save money for your house five years from now. Just ignore the news and let your investments ride the bear and bull market. Since your purpose is to accumulate funds for building your house, stick to that  goal.

Last week , we've seen the stock market skydive to abnormal levels. It is even in the prime time news. This signifies that there is an extraordinary movement in the stock market. Otherwise, stock market will just go on in his life trading casually everyday.

Since the stock market is at very low level, it's time to plunge in. No, don't sell your house yet or borrow enormous money from your uncle to put in the stock market. If you have extra cash and is willing to try out the stock market, then please do so.

I was at this stage before when I was skeptical about stock market. And yet I gave it a try because I don't have anything to lose because my first investment is 25,000 pesos only. Through the years as I have learned and rode the rudiments of stock market investing, I began to discover new things and perspective.

In one year, my income from stock market is 100,000 pesos. Now do not roll those eyes yet. What I did is I made the stock market my savings account. Every month, I am putting a portion of my salary to the stock market.

You know, whenever I see the stock market go up, I am happy because I will be able to sell at a profit. When the stock market is down, I am more happy because I will be able to buy cheap prices. I don't sell stocks during the crisis because I am a long term investor. Let the market lose their money. My money is also down but only in paper. Sooner it will go up.

My strategy: Sell when it is high and buy when it is down.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time to Learn Who You Are


I would frown upon anyone who would even think of making a comment, by saying that success is only a wishful thought.

We are not born failures – let me get this point straightened. We have all been successful in our lives at some stage or another, and this is an undeniable TRUTH.

The following points will surely enable you to understand who you really are, and that is a guarantee. Once you ascertain your own attributes, it becomes that much easier to embrace ideals that will allow you to leap to greater heights.

1. Are you generally enthusiastic and positive or the complete opposite?

2. Do you like to work hard and would you put in that little bit of extra effort if you did what you love most?

3. Are you being all that you can be – you may want to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Are you content with your present situation and/or circumstances?

Upon answering these three very important issues, you can determine your future. Remind yourselves about the importance of discipline and organization mentioned earlier.

The next point I wish to highlight is simplicity. Do not unnecessarily create hardships in the way of your work and the goal to success.

By simplicity I mean, do not complicate situation, and do not let success get to your head – pompous attitude is yet another problem that may bring you down. Be humble, assertive and righteous in your endeavors to succeed.

A calm individual can achieve virtually anything simply through the power of concentration – this is a scientific based truth.

Research has clearly shown that techniques like yoga, visualization, and relaxation can bring heightened awareness, thereby allowing the individual to reach his maximum potential.

By the power of concentration and focus, a person can accomplish that which he/she has desired. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Law of Success

Simply by understanding common principles, of which some have already been discussed above, one can attain success.

A conscious effort has to be made to provide good experiences for the mind. Nature has provided man with everything in vast abundance – sadly though human beings have not quite realized this fact.

You must make up your mind to be successful. How can you do this effectively?
How can you develop will? Success comes with planning, determination and faith no doubt. To ascertain this fact I suggest that you try the following: Choose some objective that you think you cannot accomplish, and then try with all your energy and strength to do that one thing.
This could be anything, from drawing a portrait to mastering how to use the computer. When you have achieved success, go on to something bigger and continue striving forward exercising your willpower. Despite any set backs do not be shaken at all, but derive strength from your surroundings and above all learn from like-minded people who have sought to achieve success courageously without ever losing hope.

Remind yourselves of people like Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Mother Teresa, Jose Rizal and many more who have achieved the coveted position, because of their innate power of faith and dynamic willpower. Remember, you too can achieve the same success.

This law can be applied by anybody and it does work. It is true that our thoughts and actions shape our future and destiny. You must be willing to channel your talent and innate capabilities in the right direction, so that you can soar to new heights.

To recap on what has been said thus far, allow me to remind you what it takes to be successful.
• Planning is crucial and perhaps the most important step to your success.

• Prepare yourself to change your views, habits and your thought patterns.
• Only pursue tasks that are important. You must divide your needs from your wants – there is a fine line, so exercise discrimination.

• Watch your personal financial situation. Budget well and reduce spending.

• Surround yourself with people with a positive persona and those who are successful. Read blog about people who have succeeded in life.

• Do not pretend to be who you are not. Be yourself and do not show off.

• Expand your horizon and be enthusiastic and ambitious.

• It is good to increase your income but it is even better to invest in assets that will make you wealthy.

• Prepare to work hard and make sacrifices.

Right actions enrich, strengthen and motivate us fully vitalizing our inner resources.
Cultivation of such values and adhering to the right values of living will help us grow and achieve success.

Such a consistent regime and exposure can mould our character and will help redeem our lower tendencies.

What Do AA+ And AAA Credit Ratings Mean?

By Sham Gad of

Anyone with a pulse was kept awake thanks to the Friday, August 5, 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time announcement by Standard & Poor's that it was downgrading the U.S. debt from AAA to AA+. The news sent shock waves across the world, and those vibrations were even louder that following Monday, which left the market down over 6% by the end of the day. Yet that market decline was benign compared to the individual beatings some stocks endured.
What Does AA+ Mean?In terms of the U.S. paying its debt obligations, a drop from AAA to AA+ is noneventful. The U.S. 10-year bond yield was down 0.2%, meaning that investors actually flocked to the safety of Treasuries. The fact that the U.S., the world's largest economy, went from AAA to AA+ for the first time in history is the big deal. In terms of stature, the downgrade was painful. What that loss of AAA prestige means for investors going forward is anyone's guess. The $64 million question now is whether the other major rating agencies, Moody's (NYSE:MCO) and Fitch, will follow S&P and issue their own downgrades. Naturally, affirmation by one or two of the other rating houses would not be a good thing.

What Does AAA Mean?
Apparently, an AAA credit rating isn't spectacular either, at least not now. As it now stands, only four U.S. corporations have a AAA rating: Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Automatic Data Processing (Nasdaq:ADP). As the S&P plummeted 6%, having a AAA credit rating didn't mean much. Exxon shares declined by over 6% thanks in part to oil dropping to $81 a barrel. Microsoft shares, despite having what the government would call a surplus of nearly $30 billion, dropped nearly 5%. The best performer was JNJ, which managed to end the day off only 2.5%.

The Bottom Line
So whether you hold an AAA or AA+ rating, the difference didn't seem to matter. The market was upset and emotional, and the result was a panic-driven day like the end of 2008. What always matters in this game is valuation and patience. Sticking to the simple philosophy of buying an asset below its long-term intrinsic value will ultimately lead to satisfactory results. It's a philosophy that is indeed simple to understand yet difficult to execute for most investors. But Mr. Market may be giving investors another opportunity to get greedy.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Stock Picks for this Month

I've been checking the blue chip companies lately and I have selected the best companies that has the most growth potential.

Below are my stock picks for the month of August. The current price are the stock price of the companies as of yesterday. I obtained the outstanding shares from the latest financial statements submitted to PSE and that is mainly the 1st quarter unaudited financial statements. To make the computation simple, I just multiply the 1st quarter income into 4 to get the Earnings Per Share (EPS) Annualized. 

I picked the company with the highest growth potential based only on the recent high price occurred in July.

The picks may not reflect the sentiment of the investors and may even contradict the direction of the Philippine Stock Market in general. These are my personal opinions and you can have a different set of pick.

The above picture is a simple computation which can be done by the laymen.

My hope is that everyone of us would someday achieve the financial freedom we are aiming for.

To Our Financial Freedom!

The Inevitable Mistakes


As human beings we are very restless – we often become overwhelmed with joy, success or gratification. It is so very important to maintain your calm during such events, because excitement can lead to problems, of which one is over spending. That said, it is also quite important to realize that success may just ‘knock’ you back, in that you may become complacent and ‘decide’ not to do much, because you ‘have it all’.

This is a terrible phase that you could ever possibly get into, and one you must consciously be aware of at all times. However, the one thing that you must beware of is the ego complex – do not let your ego become an impediment in your endeavor to attain wealth.

The best medicine to avoid ego is to conserve energy. The energy that has been generated and conserved, unless it is directed into the right channels, it will be catastrophic.

We must control our urges, and this is where the art of practicing balance in life becomes an essential tool to your success. Idle talk is one single factor that can destroy your desire to succeed.

Remember, that people around you and the company you have will determine your future success – you may waste precious time, but those around you will make it even worse, they will contribute to overall wastage of your own time.
Thus as the saying goes, ‘like attracts like’ should be the maxim, and above all use your common sense all the time, and only do that which produces positive results.

Being systematic too will help avoid confusion and annoyances, which can both, have an adverse effect in your business venture and goals. Do not take on board work that may set you back.

Try to evaluate the situation, paying much importance on priorities – do not procrastinate, do not waste time and most of all do not waste your precious energy. If you act thoughtfully then time will be managed most efficiently.

If words, deeds, thoughts and actions are good then life will be good, and each moment will bring success and ‘time’ taken to achieve the coveted goal will be…well your guess is as good as mine.

“Mind is the cause for bondage and freedom.” 

It's Christmas Time in the Stock Market!

The US Stock Market plunged down and the rest of the world follows. The credit rating of US which is AAA is the highest credit rating a country could aim for. (4) Our beloved Philippine country is way, way below the AAA rating which is BB as per the S&P ratings agency. (3) However this BB rating was already a notch above the previous rating we have which is BB-. This means that the fiscal policy and outlook for the Philippines is getting better.

While the rest of the western world's credit ratings are being downgraded one country after another, Asia's ratings are moving up.

Greece's long-term credit rating was cut to Double-C from Triple-C by S&P ratings agency. The debt-riddled country is already the lowest-rated country in the world by S&P. (1)

S&P cut the sovereign credit ratings on Portugal by one notch to BBB- and put the country's outlook on "negative". The BBB- rating is one notch above junk – and the further the country falls towards junk the higher its borrowing costs will be. (2)

The sovereign debt crisis in the western world has been plaguing our planet. It affects the entire financial system of the world. When the US rating was downgraded to AA, the stock market all over the world plunged down. As the cliche goes "when the US sneezes, the world catches cold". This cliche is very true in a sense that, we are interconnected with one another. Or to paraphrase it, the world's stock market is somehow dependent on the US mighty financial muscle.

Thus, the skydiving of the Philippine Stock Market is not a surprise at all. It is expected. No matter how good the fundamentals of the Philipines, it will be affected with the events happening outside the country. But don't worry, THIS IS JUST MINOR ABRASION IN THE GROWTH OF THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY.

Our stock market will rebound since most of the companies are recording unprecedented growth. In fact, last month while there are days when the world stock market is down, Philippine stock market is performing very well. It reached the highest record last July when PSE breached the 4,500 index. The Makati Business Club are optimistic under the current administration that the economy will improve over the next twelve months. (5)

Today is the most exciting time to invest in the stock market. Stocks are oversold already and there are bargains out there.

To Your Financial Freedom!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What You Must Avoid


It is natural that when the unforeseen happens we are far more likely to react in a negative way. However this need not be so, this blog reveals ways to achieve your goal harmoniously and diligently.

The following are some pointers that will be most helpful:

1. When things go wrong do not overreact. Think positively and calmly.

2. Do not be over judgmental, and over critical.

3. Try not to ignore a bad situation, beware of the comfort zone.

4. Wisdom and strength alone can help you overcome much of life’s imminent problems.

5. Tackle problems head on.

6. Avoid greed and conceit of any kind.

There is a business ethics and a businessman should practice this ethics. Those who are strictly honest and truthful will flourish in business. Let us once again consider art as an example to highlight what has been discussed thus far. As we all know we have innate powers – within each and everyone of us lies the storehouse of latent energy bursting to be ‘awakened’.

Let us assume that you have the creative power, and that being an artist for example you can virtually paint and draw any subject or theme.

Fair enough, it is obvious that you have considerable talent as not all artists have this ability. Since you are aware of this, you may assume that because your artwork is good it has good potential to be sold. True, but let us consider all factors that need to be taken into account a step at a time.

1. You may be a very good artist, but if your work does not get noticed and appreciated, it is of no real benefit. It is important therefore that your work gets noticed (through maximum exposure) and the way to do this is get your name established.

This requires that you contact the right sources and approach artists who have been through the ‘same’ learning curve as it were to reach the path of prosperity. You must take into consideration competition that may exist in your chosen field. You must prepare a good foundation – this can be done using the information within the pages of this blog.

2. Your artwork may be exceptionally beautiful, but without understanding the dynamics of the market place your work may not blossom.

3. From your personal perspective your work may seem to have great potential. However, it is relevant to appreciate the views of the general public – in other words your potential buyers.

Do not get into the rut that most do, “hearing what we want to hear” this is a type of preconditioning that can bring untold misery.

4. You must look into other areas to develop your potential. Expand on subject category/theme, use of various different types of media (e.g. acrylics, oils. Mixed media etc.), deciding on how to promote your work, you may even want to sell originals or reproduce prints perhaps… The possibilities are endless, the question is how determined you are in your quest to succeed.

The psychology of success depends on number of factors, but the one I believe that is most vital is self-belief. Most people never get the first stage of success because they lack this characteristic, which is essential.
Such conditioning often stems from your personal experiences, but the causative factor is environment, which has already been discussed. Though it is good to be cautious about anything that you do in life, it is equally essential that you do not get tangled into the technicalities of the ‘process’, but rather focus on the benefits and the ultimate reward that it yields.

Dedicate your goal to achieving success by implementing the five cardinal words beginning with the letter D to your success, namely Devotion, Discrimination, Discipline, Determination and Duty.

There is no harm in raising questions regarding proposals that come your way or even business opportunities you intend pursuing. So long as these questions afford all the answers and that you decide to follow through considering all the factors, then it is all well and good.

However, when your questions defeat the very purpose of your inquiry then it becomes a ‘vicious cycle’.
Why, what, where, when, who are words that we often use to ascertain information about everything in life including business ventures – thus giving rise to questions

The question with the word why is a necessity for it will help us draw a perfect conclusion and help us overcome doubts. The problem with this is that if you are not clear about your goal(s), then the very question why you wish to even pursue the venture becomes meaningless.

What you must consider are probable long-term goals, benefits and how your first step to wealth and success will enable you to enjoy greater heights.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Risk Factor

Without digressing from the subject matter, I would like to remind you what I mentioned in the early stages of this blog regarding the dualistic nature of life.

Why is it that some people are so lucky and yet others fall behind in the struggle to succeed?

To answer this conclusively it is worth noting that in general majority of people have the notion that affluent people have something special which they obviously lack – This is not true as we all know, however what makes one person richer than the other is largely dependant on the choice or the decision taken, coupled with the risk(s) acknowledged through the greater understanding of the power of discrimination, and the ability to weigh and balance the scales of your intuitive faculty.

Now the risk that you take has got to be one based on the understanding that the venture you have decided to pursue has been researched thoroughly. You only embark upon taking a driving test for example once you feel that you are proficient enough to pass it and not otherwise.

Thus, the risk that you undertake in this regard has got to be what I call an informed risk. In other words, it is one where you have confidence on what you are getting yourself into, and this too is based on information source that you have searched well.

The fact that you are now reading this blog is to gain the understanding on how to achieve financial success – thus this blog is in a way your research tool to enable you to then implement the techniques and the tips outlined to achieve the goal. The action taken has therefore come directly from a source that can be considered authentic, valuable and genuine.

Once you feel confident to take the driving test with the guidance of the driving instructor of course, you decide to take the driving test – this is the perfect way to ensure success. I wish to redress a point made previously and it is about learning.

You must be willing to learn constantly, because to gain any skill, knowledge and power, you must be prepared to LEARN.

Commitment is the vital force which you should very much get used to from the very onset. Remember that there are certain situations that you may not have direct control to bring any foreseeable changes, which may result in much heartache.

However, this need not ever be the case because what really matters is the mechanism or the manner in which you control the situation and ultimately how well you react to it.

The trouble with us is that we tend to live in the past and in the future at the same time. When our mental faculty becomes over burdened we become discouraged.

The load is too heavy for the mind, so we must restrict the load. When we have too much to do at one time, we should at once stop our activities. The clock ticks on at a regular pace, it cannot tick twenty four hours away in 60 seconds, nor can you do in one hour what you can do most effectively in twenty four hours. Live for the now, and the ‘future’ will take care of itself.

Do not be greedy and above all do not burn yourself out by ‘wanting’ to become a millionaire!

The tables have turned around, more and more people are resorting to a simple back to basics lifestyle – without so many luxuries and fewer worries

The dualistic concept of nature is prevalent everywhere – you cannot prosper if you write out cheques without having credible funds or credit (deposit) in your bank account, sooner or later you will run out of money.
Without peace of mind, the likely hood of running out of ‘steam’, happiness, calmness and strength you will become ‘bankrupt’ mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically drained. What a pity it will have all been to come to a point of utter desolation!

This is when you must dwell on the power within, and mentally affirm your purpose in life; you may want to go through some pleasant experience so that you forget your worries completely. The point is do not take anything too seriously, enjoy what you have and be happy with what is your due.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Factors That Bring Inertia


First and foremost is to introspect, and this literally means that you take stock of your traits and habits.

Often, lack of self-analysis is the cause of our short fall, and it is the lack of definite, undivided effort and attention that stands in your way to progress and achievement of your desired goal.

Introspection therefore means reassessment of our mental ‘block’ and diagnosing deficiencies by weeding out negative tendencies in the form of habits, indecisiveness, fear, lack of confidence and so on – what we often term as failures.

It is time to reenergize so that by uprooting all these negativities from your life the true happiness with the zeal to progress becomes prominent and firmly rooted.

The greatest enemy that stops us from advancing in life other than apathy, lack of confidence and inferiority complex is FEAR. Fear will literally stop us from moving forward – in fact we will not even fulfill our very aim to succeed. The best way to combat fear is to practice deep breathing exercises, and every night mentally affirm that you are under the protection of the supreme personality of godhead, and energize your thoughts with positive feelings.

Consciously uproot the seeds of fear from within by forceful concentration upon courage, and shift your awareness to a level that allows you to fully appreciate that you are beyond any type or kind of hurting. Fear comes from the heart, so fill your heart with LOVE, and when you feel agitated relax, calm down and breathe rhythmically, relaxing with each exhalation.

Of course there is yet another problem, which I believe, is the major cause of frustration and subsequently dampening our ability to excel in life. It is, what I call ‘desirous of results without the will to put in the effort’. I have personally failed because of such a negative outlook – and I am the first one to admit this openly.
Now this is where the point I made above becomes clearer. Failure, sorrow, illness and inadequacies are natural eventualities when the Law of Nature is broken.

Transgression and violation of the eternal Law of nature brings misery. As human beings we have the abilities to shape, correct and change our lives, goals and destiny.

The greatest impediment that you will ever meet in your life is your immediate environment. If anything you will have to change that – you may have noticed that I started this blog sounding slightly cynical and somewhat over cautious, much less a little negative – the prime reason for this will now become apparent.

The environment that I just mentioned can be defined into two, namely the inner and the outer. It is these two fields of environment that you will have to watch out for.

All your experiences come from your mind stuff – or the inner environment (thoughts). What you perceive through all your senses from the outside will equally shape your future.

Thus the important point here is to keep watch over your thoughts. My suggestion to you is to beware of your inner environment more so than your outer environment. For example you may have stumbled upon a great home business opportunity that is potentially superb and just right for you in every aspect.

You are happy, and quite willing to give it a go…yet in retrospect something about this business ‘stops’ you from going ahead with it. There may be several reasons for this, but I am very curious to learn the major reason. Rest assured it cannot be the money (because it is within your budget), nor can it be a hype (because it has apparently worked for thousands with testimonials to confirm).

So what is it I wonder? Think about this point, and you will no doubt come to a favorable conclusion…and surprisingly it is, the mind stuff – the perpetrator.

To succeed in life you will have to begin by correcting your thought patterns, because it is the company of your thoughts and the affinity you have for them that will determine your fate.

“Thoughts express through the physical body.”

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Power of Thoughts


Nothing in life is impossible, unless you think it so. Thoughts are remarkable ‘packets’ of energy and if you tenaciously cling to a certain thought with the dynamic willpower, there is no reason why this thought cannot manifest according to the blueprint you have created.

Earlier I briefly mentioned by explaining how a person interested in art can step up his/her abilities to excel in life. I shall now use the same example to illustrate the power of thought. An artist develops an idea of creating a painting or a drawing of a beautiful landscape.

The thought process initiates a series of ideas and the artist subsequently uses these ideas to produce the skeleton work, which allows him/her to eventually complete the final work of art according to the mental blueprint created initially. A mere thought process allows the artist to create the masterpiece!

This creation is in itself a scientific principal based on the Universal Law Of Creation. It is the source from which everything manifests. It is in us all, and it can certainly be tapped if you are just willing to give it a go. The secret is not really a secret, but it is a treasure trove within each and every one of us and we have the right to use it most efficaciously.

Is it not true that when you see someone so very happy and elated, your mind gets caught up with the cheer and you discover that there is a smile on your face?

The thoughts are so closely interweaved with the mind. If the thoughts are calm the mind is calm. In any aspect of life, be it starting a business, getting your first job or getting married, the relationship of mind and thought is foremost.

Systematically, therefore we must train and discipline the mind for right thinking and diligent activity, and thus have correct understanding of what you really want in life, and how this will add to the effectual dynamism in your quest and what you ultimately seek – your path to success and wealth will become gracious, meaningful and attainable!
People with certain qualities are almost magnetically attracted, and such qualities are called positive qualities. These qualities are present in all of us, but they are not invoked or clearly understood. We know what love, kindness, courage and joy mean, these are noble virtues, and we also recognize them as qualities we admire in others.

Despite knowing this, when we act we act compromising ideals. The reason behind this is that we are never true to our own selves – we are constantly acting and putting up a ‘show’ to please everyone around us, but ourselves! It is painful, demoralizing and quite agonizing not to be your true self.

You may exclaim in disbelief, and sat what has this got to do with wealth and prosperity? I acknowledge your concern, but I humbly request that you take a moment or two, and in the silence of the night ruminate over this point deeply. I would like you then to implement what I mentioned above by being yourself.
Notice the changes that occur with the passage of time, and what you will truly discover is that when one can bring out into expression the fragrance of one’s innate positive qualities or characteristics (of who you really are), then not only people but all the things that you have ever desired or wished for will come to you.
“As the thought, so the mind.”

In order to fulfill your set goals and your dreams, it is necessary to practice what this blog outlines.
The habitual inclination of our thought patterns is ultimately the deciding factor, which determines our abilities, talents and our personal characteristics. Based on this critical and vital piece of knowledge, one assumes that those lucky few have been born with the special talent you lack and fervently desire to have.

To a large extent this is true, but it has to be said that no one is born a millionaire – full stop! The valuable information lies in the art of cultivating the pattern that brings success. We are what we think we are.

It is true when Masters say that, “Your Thoughts create the environment”.

• Thoughts develop personality

• Thoughts promote health

• Thoughts influence the body

• Thoughts can change and shape the future (destiny)

• Thoughts bring forth creation

• Thoughts influence the physiology and psychology of people

• Thoughts can bring success

• Thoughts can even heal the body

Watch your thoughts constantly. Your experiences and the environment have their ‘seat’ in thoughts.
Your suggestion, and autosuggestions via meditation and visualization techniques must be stronger than the ‘thoughts, and when your actions uplift you, know that you have understood the art of controlling your thought processes.

You can accomplish anything through the power of thought. Visualization uses your imagination to allow yourself to ‘picture’ your success or achieving your earnest goal.

Your mental thoughts or vibrations are incredibly powerful, because the mind has a tangible connection with your thoughts and your actions. Your thoughts are subtle energies and have a strong connection to our consciousness.
Therefore, constant nourishment of positive thoughts via visualization, yoga and meditation will bring harmony, happiness, health and wealth!

Power of Words

Power of words can have a very strong impact on our minds and in our lives.
Before I continue, I would like you to cogitate on the following question, could someone remain silent at all times?

Not letting anyone know what is inside his/her heart and mind for the mere reason of not being verbally or emotionally expressive? Yet I can say with certainty that each and every one of us are silent talkers. We talk to ourselves in many ways and situations, some times we hurt ourselves and yet at other times, silent talking brings a wonderful smile to our faces!

Communication is therefore very important in life. Words are powerful and depending how they are spoken, they can influence our day-to-day thought processes, actions, behavior and our outlook towards life as a whole.

Of course depending on how they are used the effect words can have is quite incredible, they can be used to persuade, inform, hurt, ease pain or even start a war! Words spoken with great emotions have the power to bring changes that can speed up the body’s healing process!
This enormous power is in the meaning of the words, what they mean to the person who hears them. Far more than simple communication, truth, falsehood and the infinite shades between them, words have the power to manipulate other people's thinking and behavior.

It is our interpretation of words that is the true cause of our emotional reactions.

Words spoken softly, unselfishly, innocently and with absolute love are the ones that get lodged indelibly in our being from whence they produce their overwhelming soul stirring effect. Thus it is so important to use words selectively and appropriately at any given time and situation.

Modern science is beginning to appreciate the powerful effect words can have on our bodies when they are used in the form of prayers or even affirmations. Did you know that through conscious effort, we could create a very strong willpower in ourselves?

Affirmation for success:
I will pursue relentlessly, as it is my birthright to be successful. I am powerful and I shall achieve what I need at the time I need. I am destined to reap the fruits of my actions and I will share my joy in success with all I know.

Benefits of Affirmations
• Self-esteem and a positive outlook
• Helps you achieve goals and targets
• Improve you memory and skills
• Helps to create an inner self-belief (willpower, confidence and character)
• It can help you evolve spiritually

Words spoken softly gently and lovingly will be attractive and procure instant admiration. Wealth is in itself a word, and by itself it does not mean anything.
The one single factor, which gives the word wealth, the meaning is the intellect. The wealth of information is nowhere to be found, but it is within us at all times. Intellect is cultivated through logic, and the main point is that dry logic and philosophy can often prove counter productive. Thus, it is essential to communicate effectively, because in pursuit of wealth, you will need to sell yourself your business or your company via communication (words).
However, communication on its own will not reciprocate your success. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Keys to Success

The+Wit+%26+Wisdom+of+Winston+-+Oct+2010++-+Westerham+Pub+Wall+-+Those+Two+ImpostersAs I have mentioned in the previous blog, the environment plays a huge role as it is quite inevitable – particularly our inner environment.

A calm relaxed individual is far more likely to come out a winner in a trying situation than his/her counterpart – a person who his nervous frustrated and erratic. The former has his senses fully identified with the environment in which he places himself.

However, the restless individual does not understand the environment and consequently gets into trouble. The keywords are focus, concentration and care in whatever you do in life.

1. Develop a definite and a clear-cut goal/aim.

2. Draw up a wise workable plan/program.

3. Guard your health. Without health there is no real wealth.

4. You must conserve your energy.

5. Be honest in your life (in words, deeds, thoughts and actions).

6. Stick to virtues and adopt good principles.

7. Reflect upon ideal personalities and seek strength from their philosophy.

8. Seek divine guidance and be truthful.

9. Endeavor to help and serve others with gratitude.

10. Always think positive and believe in the power of God.

Transformative thinking is indeed the way to success. Set out a plan to achieve your goal and deliberately ruminate over the meaning of this plan and make it happen.

From time immemorial great people from all walks of life have emerged as true victors and the reason behind this is training the mind for happiness. Ethical discipline is essential, particularly self-discipline.

Each individual is unique. What is good for person A may not be suitable for person B. However, it has to be emphasized that all can enjoy quietude, solitude and silence, and to be honest every individual irrespective of age, caste, creed, color, sex has at some stage or another experienced peace.

After discovering through trial and error method, you can determine the precise way to compose your mind body complex and thus attain great heights.

Meditation may not be effective for all, but that does not mean that you do not improvise such methods as and when required.

Be systematic, and your only goal should be to employ methods that bring you success and happiness.
Our mental faculties determine our actions, and it is quite obvious that the mind should be tamed and subdued. Constant vigilance is necessary and continuous training of the mind will pave the path to ultimate success.

Do not fall prey to the dictates of your mind!

Optimistic, heroic and noble ideals have a powerful and uplifting effect upon the body. Enthusiasm with deliberate well-orchestrated self-application in joyous mood and absolute optimism is the secret path to wealth for all great men.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Achieving Your Goal

When you persist refusing to accept failure, know that the object you have set out to achieve will materialize through the dynamic willpower.

Thoughts can be incredibly powerful tools, and if you are willing to implement this divine gift then you are sure to attain your goal. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic willpower, it assumes a tangible outward form.
Now is the time to cauterize the negative characteristics inherent in the form of habits, lack of strong willpower, lack of confidence, hesitance and wrong attitude towards life in general. You have within you the power to accomplish everything you want, that power lies in the will. The root cause of failure in life is lack of concentration – do not hoard yourself with ideas, concepts and strategies all at once in the very hope to succeed. Begin slowly and be consistent in your goal setting scheme.

Focus your attention on one thing at a time, and do not allow your MIND to go in a state of ‘over drive’. There is a scientific way of utilizing concentration, and the magic word is to keep calm, while you perform all your duties with the correct speed.

Do NOT rush and create chaos, but rather methodically and meticulously focus and centre your whole mind on whatever you undertake, and the important thing is to keep your mind flexible.

Once you know that you are genuinely on the right tracks and on the path to achieving your goal, do exercise care as far as time management is concerned. It is often very easy to get involved with a project so much so that you can get carried away in perfecting whatever it is that you are doing.

You must prioritize your work and above all respect and honor the value of time – do not waste your time and your life!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Potential Consequences Had The U.S. Defaulted

By Marc Davis,

With little time to spare, the U.S. government dodged a disastrous default on its debts, as the House and Senate passed an emergency bill to raise the country's debt ceiling and President Obama quickly signed it into law. The new legislation authorizes an increase of $2.4 trillion in additional government borrowing.
But what exactly would've happened or could've happened if a bi-partisan deal on raising the country's debt ceiling was not consummated? A default means that some or all of the people, businesses, institutions and governments that the U.S. owes money to would not be paid. They may be paid eventually, but not in the immediate wake of today's deadline when the U.S. would've  theoretically run out of money.

The Worst-Case Scenario
A worst-case scenario is depicted below, but none of this or only some of it might've occurred if the U.S. had defaulted.   Depending on how quickly and comprehensively the post-default problems were resolved, the U.S. economy may not have suffered a long-term crippling injury. In the most extreme case, it could take years or a decade or more for the economy to recover sufficiently after a government default for the U.S. to regain its formerly stable economic footing.

Money would continue to come in to the government, but not at the necessary rate to pay all its obligations because the debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion - the amount of money the U.S. may borrow, as mandated by law - would have been reached if the ceiling had not been raised.
Consequently, the government would have had to decide who gets paid and who doesn't. Entitlement programs might have been among the first to feel the cash crunch. Social SecurityMedicare and Medicaid recipients might have been short changed.   Military veterans who receive pensions and other retired government workers, including legislators, judges, federal attorneys and others might have seen a reduction in their monthly checks. Defense contractors - the big firms that manufacture weaponry, aircraft, seagoing vessels - may also have been hit with partial payments of what the government owed them, or payment might have been suspended entirely until more money became available.

Another immediate consequence of a default is a lowering of America's credit rating by the major ratings agencies, Moody's and Standard & Poor's. That means with U.S. Treasuries deemed more risky, higher interest rates would have to be offered to attract lenders. The result of higher rates would ripple through the entire U.S. and global economies.

Impact on the Individual Consumer
For the individual consumer, there'd be higher rates for credit card purchases, mortgages, consumer loans of every variety. For businesses, both mature and start-up, higher rates would be charged for loans to expand, replenish inventory, purchase new technologies, hire more personnel. Stock prices would decline accordingly as economic growth is hampered. Venture capital, used to finance new businesses, would also become scarce as the economy slows, adding another obstacle to growth and employment.
Government funding of many programs which once stimulated economic growth would be curtailed or stopped. These would include government subsidies to industries such as agriculture, energy, transportation. Government grants and loans to college- and university-bound students would dry up, preventing gifted or financially strapped young people from getting a higher education and thus limiting their job opportunities.

As stock and real estate prices declined, endowment portfolios of colleges and universities would shrink, further limiting the funding of scholarship programs and student loans.

Primary research in technology, the sciences and medicine could also be impacted as both government and private sector money dried up.  There may be a reduction in the development and testing of new drugs. Patents for high tech inventions and copyrights for computer software applications, may not come as frequently as they did when these sectors were powerful drivers of a booming economy. 

Much needed infrastructure repair and rebuilding will of necessity be put on hold until more money became available to finance these projects.
A final result if this worst-case scenario had come to pass in all its horrifying economic damage, the U.S. standard of living would have declined unpleasantly, and the country's preeminent position in the world of economic stability and reliability, as a prime source of innovation in the sciences and technology, and as the most powerful nation militarily as a bulwark against war and aggression would be severely weakened. 
But, that's only if the worst occurs.

The Bottom Line
Almost all economists and a majority of both Democrats and Republicans and most political independents agree that the debt crisis had to be resolved andU.S. debt obligations had be paid. The points of disagreement were in the methods and numbers - should taxes go up or remain where they are, should tax loop holes and deductions be eliminated, where should government expenses be cut?  

These are the questions that the nation must confront again, if and when the higher debt ceiling is reached, which seems inevitable according to a consensus of economists if spending continues at its current pace and new government revenues are not obtained. If these problems are not solved, you can anticipate some or maybe all of the above calamities to befall the country with varying degrees of severity should the U.S. default on the new $2.4 trillion addition to the debt ceiling.