Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Books I Read...

Thank+you+%E2%80%93+Gracias.+A+shop+in+Madrid+HDRI love books. When I read, I'm in my zone. I feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and happy. It's my therapy. Show the gates of the mall for some people and they get excited, relaxed, and feel that they are alive. Others are contented with Mara Clara, Eat Bulaga and other showbiz gossips. My friend showed me his collection of robots and he feels fantastic just looking at them. The other friend has a sound system that almost ripped my ear glass. He likes music. Everyone of us has it's own interests and likes that makes us feel happy...Relaxation is relative. I knew of someone who relax while dancing. Others feel good when they stand in front of an audience while delivering a speech.

Robin Sharma said something about books,  "All of the problems we are going to face have been experienced by a lot of people who walked before us and all of the answers are there in print."  When I read Jack  Welch story, it's as if I am having a conversation with him. His insights, his life, and how he managed one of the most successful company ever in the US of A, the GE. Obviously, it is not what I will get out of the books that is so enriching for me, it is what the books will get out of me that will ultimately changed my life. Not all books are good after all, some needs to be tasted, others to chewed and few books needs to be swallowed as  a whole. Books do not teach me anything new, they simply see what is already within me. Thus, I am taking little steps everyday to apply the knowledge I have learned so far. One of the bosses I know said this " When I am up at that balcony, I get one of my books and read it to get an inspiration."

Below are some of the few books I have read so far...

The Bible
todo+tiene+su+tiempo...     The holy book that has always been a constant source of inspiration, strength, courage and humility for me. When I feel low, I read it. It's as if God is talking to me personally, guiding me in every bit of my way. I feel secured, loved and remembered by the Infinite. It is one of the books that accompanied me in every place I go.

Accounts Receivable Management by John Salek
Cooking+The+Books    Obviously, I need this one because my current job is all about Accounts Receivable. It provides me the technical aspect I need in my work and helps me improve the accounting aspects of the Company. The lessons I learned in the school, coupled with my experience in the Philippines makes me equipped with the knowledge I needed in my chosen field. I felt though that I still need a lot of things to learn in this area and will most probably buy another book in Accounts Receivable. Perhaps, a book about Contracts will immensely help also to further my knowledge in this field.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    This book is not all about making money. Its also about making a lot of life. It is considered as one of the most influential books of all time, and I could not agree less because the subsequents books I read almost rely entirely on the philosophy of Napoleon book. The contents are profound  and mostly talk about abundance, including   spiritual abundance and the secret on being a successful human being.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
Walking+together+under+an+umbrella    A captivating story about a superstar lawyer that collapse in an almost packed courtroom because of a heart attack. His transformation began after that incident. The tale has blended the cutting edge principles of the West and the timeless spiritual wisdom of the East. It's like a parable that offers a lot of wonderful insights applicable to every aspects of our life. It is one of my favorite books actually.

My audiotapes from Bo Sanchez
     Wherever I go, I bring my Kindle with me where a lot of audiotapes are stored. It's like reading a book with a different twist. Instead of using your eyes, you use your ear instead. Going from and to the office, I read books through this.

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